Zeolite is the general name of the crystal of porous aluminosilicate with frame structure.

Its general chemical formula as below

(Na,K)x(Mg,Ca,Sr,Ba)y[Alx +2ySin-(x +2y)].mH2O

X:number of alkali metal ions

Y:alkali earth metal ions

n:sum of the number of Al-S ions

m:Number of hydrone

Classification of Zeolite

Natural zeolite and synthetic zeolite

There are five kinds of natural zeolite with large scale industrial deposits including clinoptilolite, flokite, chabazite, erionite and phillipsite. But in China, normally only clinoptilolite and flokite are used widely.

In practical application, we normally use synthetic zeolite. There are type A, type X ,type Y.We have natural zeolite,but synthetic zeolite is more structured and more stable

Crystal structure of Zeolite

In zeolite minerals there are 80% of SiO2 and Al2O3. But different Al-Si ratio forms different zeolite mineral species.Water is also the main component of zeolite.There is about 10%. But water does not participate in the framework of zeolite. It is only absorbed in the micro pore of zeolite crystal.

The main difference between different kinds of zeolite is that they have different framework. The framework is a 3D spatial structure formed with O2,Si, Al not including alkali,alkali earth and water.

All kinds of zeolites have their special shape and size of void and channel so they can adsorb and retain different shape and size of molecule

Square sodium type,such as type A:K A(3A),Na A(4A),Ca A(5A);

Octahedral type,such as type X: Ca X(10X),Na X(13X)and type Y: Na Y,Ca Y;

Flokite type,(-M):High Si zeolite,such as ZSM-5etc.

Chemical Formula of Zeolite molecular sieve

Molecular sieve 3A

Chemical Formula 2/3K2O . 1/3Na2O . Al2O3 . 2SiO2 . 9/2H2O

Si-Al ratio:SiO2/Al2O3≈2

Molecular sieve 4A

Na2O . Al2O . 2SiO2 . 9/2H2O

Si-Al ratio:SiO2/Al2O3≈2

Molecular sieve 5A

Chemical Formula:3/4CaO . 1/4Na2O . Al2O3 . 2SiO2 . 9/2H2O

Si-Al ratio:SiO2/Al2O3≈2

Rich Oxygen molecular sieve 5A

Chemical Formula 4/5CaO . 1/5Na2O . Al2O3 . 2SiO2

Si-Al ratio:SiO2/Al2O3≈2  mainly used for PSA oxygen generation

Molecular sieve 10X

Chemical formula : 4/5CaO . 1/5Na2O . Al2O3 . (2.8±0.2)SiO2 . (6-7)H2O

Si-Al ratio:SiO2/Al2O3≈2.6-3.0  effective aperture:about 9A

Molecular sieve 13X

Chemical formula : Na2O . Al2O3 .(2.8±0.2)SiO2 . (6-7)H2O

Si-Al ratio:SiO2/AL2O3≈2.6-3.0  effective aperture:about 10A

Zeolite molecule structure


1–a cage(Cubic lattice with β cage as particle),

2–octagonal cage

3—cubic cage,

4—βcage(basic unit for synthetic zeolite 4A、X、Y,angled octahedron

5—six column cages,

6—r cage ,

7—octagonal cage

Cage β is formed with 8 six-membered ring and 6 four-membered ring.

8 β cages connected with four-membered ring is called α cage.